July 18, 2014
by Marcel Sardo (@marcelsardo)
“If they can get you asking the wrong questions, they don’t have to worry about answers.”
— Thomas Pynchon, Gravity’s Rainbow
As tragic as the downing of the Malaysian Airliner MH17 is, I have decided to remove myself from the ongoing debate and the search for What Really Happened.
Most of you will agree with me that the whole Story stinks. And most of you will agree, that since the doomed Airliner crashed onto the plains of Eastern Ukraine, all the finger pointing – from the very first moments – was directed at Russia, even though the only ones benefitting from this tragedy are Kiev, and supporters of the criminal and illegitimate Junta, who are waging war against their own people.
There is too much information now about that Airliner, too much counter information, misinformation, half information and information that contradicts all the information just mentioned.
In other Words:
We are getting distracted from the real issue here: The Freedom Fight of the People in Novorossiya and the fact that a War Against Russia is being laid on Track.
If you think I am exaggerating, then you’re not paying attention – and for sure did not follow today’s UNSC Meeting on this issue.
The narrative is now out and spinning and whoever is familiar with the Western MSM knows that there is no turning back now. The Beast wants to be fed.
Complete story at - #MH17: Why I Leave It There | No Limit to Our Anger (c) V. M. Molotov

by Marcel Sardo (@marcelsardo)
“If they can get you asking the wrong questions, they don’t have to worry about answers.”
— Thomas Pynchon, Gravity’s Rainbow
As tragic as the downing of the Malaysian Airliner MH17 is, I have decided to remove myself from the ongoing debate and the search for What Really Happened.
Most of you will agree with me that the whole Story stinks. And most of you will agree, that since the doomed Airliner crashed onto the plains of Eastern Ukraine, all the finger pointing – from the very first moments – was directed at Russia, even though the only ones benefitting from this tragedy are Kiev, and supporters of the criminal and illegitimate Junta, who are waging war against their own people.
There is too much information now about that Airliner, too much counter information, misinformation, half information and information that contradicts all the information just mentioned.
In other Words:
We are getting distracted from the real issue here: The Freedom Fight of the People in Novorossiya and the fact that a War Against Russia is being laid on Track.
If you think I am exaggerating, then you’re not paying attention – and for sure did not follow today’s UNSC Meeting on this issue.
The narrative is now out and spinning and whoever is familiar with the Western MSM knows that there is no turning back now. The Beast wants to be fed.
Complete story at - #MH17: Why I Leave It There | No Limit to Our Anger (c) V. M. Molotov
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