By Eric Zuesse
July 01, 2014 "ICH" - In February this year, the Obama Administration violently overthrew the freely-elected and Russia-friendly President of Ukraine, Viktor Yanukovych. We hired gunmen dressed to appear to be from the Yanukovych government firing into the “Maidan” crowd who were demonstrating against Yanukovych. This made it seem to be violence from him, not from Obama’s team. Obama further justified the overthrow by saying that Yanukovych was corrupt. But virtually all recent Presidents and Prime Ministers of that country have been corrupt. The Prime Minister who had preceded Yanukovych, Yulia Tymoshenko, was even in prison for it. Britain’s Guardian noted in 2004 that, “According to Matthew Brzezinski’s 2001 book Casino Moscow, which devotes a chapter to Tymoshenko entitled ‘The Eleven Billion Dollar Woman,’ she was guarded by an entire platoon of ex-Soviet special forces bodyguards.” However, during the Obama Administration’s 18-24 February 2014 coup in Ukraine (called not a “coup” but a “revolution” by the coup’s supporters), they got her freed from her 7-year prison sentence, and she immediately announced her campaign to become Yanukovych’s successor as President. She was widely regarded as Obama’s preferred person for that post, but instead the person that she chose to lead the interim government as Prime Minister became Ukraine’s leader (with the expectation that Tymoshenko would soon be elected and then take over), and Tymoshenko wasn’t elected, so Obama was faced with a predicament. Since the person whom she had placed in temporary control did Obama’s bidding, he has been allowed to stay on in the new permanent Ukrainian government, in his same official capacity, ruling Ukraine as the Prime Minister, just as he was during the “interim” government.
The way to remove a democratically elected President (and/or Prime Minister) is by constitutional means; and a coup is not constitutional — not even in Ukraine, and it’s certainly not supposed to be the constitutional means in the U.S. Yet we immediately recognized the coup-government, because we had actually installed it.
Obama’s agent planning and controlling the overthrow (besides the CIA, etc., providing essential support for it), was the Tymoshenko-backer Victoria Nuland, who told our Ukrainian Ambassador to choose (Tymoshenko’s friend) “Yats,” Arseniy Yatsenyuk, to become Ukraine’s leader, or Prime Minister, in the “interim government.” He’s the person who’s still the Prime Minster, even after the figurehead oligarch, Petro Poroshenko, became elected (over Tymoshenko) as Ukraine’s President, in the May 25th election, which was held only in the northwestern part of Ukraine, because Yatsenyuk’s troops were by that time (May 25th) bombing the nation’s southeastern parts, the parts where Yanukovych had won overwhelmingly the 17 January 2010 Presidential election, which was the last Ukrainian election when the entire country voted — the last election in a united Ukraine — the last actual Ukrainian national election.
Yatsenyuk has been bombing the southeast allegedly in order to compel them to accept the legitimacy of the coup government. And Yatsenyuk continues bombing them, even to this day. It’s his policy, and it’s backed by Obama. It wouldn’t happen without him.
In fact, almost immediately after Yatsenyuk became the leader of Ukraine, he sacked the existing three Deputy Defense Ministers, on March 5th, and replaced them with three rabidly anti-Russian neo-Nazis, who were committed to this bombing-policy. The person who was made the Minister of Defense, Mikhail Koval, has announced his intention to ethnically cleanse from southeastern Ukraine the “subhumans” who voted for Yanukovych, who will “be resettled in other regions,” meaning either Russia (if Russia accepts these Ukrainian refugees) or else concentration-camps inside Ukraine (and then perhaps death). “There will be a thorough filtration of people.” Their property will be confiscated, and “Land parcels will be given out for free to the servicemen of the Ukrainian Armed Forces and other military formations, as well as to the employees of Interior Ministry and the Security Service of Ukraine that are defending territorial integrity and sovereignty of the country in eastern and southeastern regions of Ukraine.” That’s the euphemism for the ethnic cleansing, and mass-theft. In other words, Obama’s rulers of Ukraine are offering their soldiers the opportunity to grab legally the property of their victims. Ukraine doesn’t have the money to pay for all the soldiers that are needed to do this ethnic cleansing; so, they’re being promised war-booty, instead. Sort of like paying them by tips: but with the bigger tips going to the killers with the most (or biggest) scalps.
Complete story at - Ukraine: The International War-Criminal Is Obama, Not Putin

July 01, 2014 "ICH" - In February this year, the Obama Administration violently overthrew the freely-elected and Russia-friendly President of Ukraine, Viktor Yanukovych. We hired gunmen dressed to appear to be from the Yanukovych government firing into the “Maidan” crowd who were demonstrating against Yanukovych. This made it seem to be violence from him, not from Obama’s team. Obama further justified the overthrow by saying that Yanukovych was corrupt. But virtually all recent Presidents and Prime Ministers of that country have been corrupt. The Prime Minister who had preceded Yanukovych, Yulia Tymoshenko, was even in prison for it. Britain’s Guardian noted in 2004 that, “According to Matthew Brzezinski’s 2001 book Casino Moscow, which devotes a chapter to Tymoshenko entitled ‘The Eleven Billion Dollar Woman,’ she was guarded by an entire platoon of ex-Soviet special forces bodyguards.” However, during the Obama Administration’s 18-24 February 2014 coup in Ukraine (called not a “coup” but a “revolution” by the coup’s supporters), they got her freed from her 7-year prison sentence, and she immediately announced her campaign to become Yanukovych’s successor as President. She was widely regarded as Obama’s preferred person for that post, but instead the person that she chose to lead the interim government as Prime Minister became Ukraine’s leader (with the expectation that Tymoshenko would soon be elected and then take over), and Tymoshenko wasn’t elected, so Obama was faced with a predicament. Since the person whom she had placed in temporary control did Obama’s bidding, he has been allowed to stay on in the new permanent Ukrainian government, in his same official capacity, ruling Ukraine as the Prime Minister, just as he was during the “interim” government.
The way to remove a democratically elected President (and/or Prime Minister) is by constitutional means; and a coup is not constitutional — not even in Ukraine, and it’s certainly not supposed to be the constitutional means in the U.S. Yet we immediately recognized the coup-government, because we had actually installed it.
Obama’s agent planning and controlling the overthrow (besides the CIA, etc., providing essential support for it), was the Tymoshenko-backer Victoria Nuland, who told our Ukrainian Ambassador to choose (Tymoshenko’s friend) “Yats,” Arseniy Yatsenyuk, to become Ukraine’s leader, or Prime Minister, in the “interim government.” He’s the person who’s still the Prime Minster, even after the figurehead oligarch, Petro Poroshenko, became elected (over Tymoshenko) as Ukraine’s President, in the May 25th election, which was held only in the northwestern part of Ukraine, because Yatsenyuk’s troops were by that time (May 25th) bombing the nation’s southeastern parts, the parts where Yanukovych had won overwhelmingly the 17 January 2010 Presidential election, which was the last Ukrainian election when the entire country voted — the last election in a united Ukraine — the last actual Ukrainian national election.
Yatsenyuk has been bombing the southeast allegedly in order to compel them to accept the legitimacy of the coup government. And Yatsenyuk continues bombing them, even to this day. It’s his policy, and it’s backed by Obama. It wouldn’t happen without him.
In fact, almost immediately after Yatsenyuk became the leader of Ukraine, he sacked the existing three Deputy Defense Ministers, on March 5th, and replaced them with three rabidly anti-Russian neo-Nazis, who were committed to this bombing-policy. The person who was made the Minister of Defense, Mikhail Koval, has announced his intention to ethnically cleanse from southeastern Ukraine the “subhumans” who voted for Yanukovych, who will “be resettled in other regions,” meaning either Russia (if Russia accepts these Ukrainian refugees) or else concentration-camps inside Ukraine (and then perhaps death). “There will be a thorough filtration of people.” Their property will be confiscated, and “Land parcels will be given out for free to the servicemen of the Ukrainian Armed Forces and other military formations, as well as to the employees of Interior Ministry and the Security Service of Ukraine that are defending territorial integrity and sovereignty of the country in eastern and southeastern regions of Ukraine.” That’s the euphemism for the ethnic cleansing, and mass-theft. In other words, Obama’s rulers of Ukraine are offering their soldiers the opportunity to grab legally the property of their victims. Ukraine doesn’t have the money to pay for all the soldiers that are needed to do this ethnic cleansing; so, they’re being promised war-booty, instead. Sort of like paying them by tips: but with the bigger tips going to the killers with the most (or biggest) scalps.
Complete story at - Ukraine: The International War-Criminal Is Obama, Not Putin
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