Tuesday, July 22, 2014

Anti- Imperialist U: America's global military empire

Global domination how the American military sees the world.

As you can see the military has carved up the world into a number of Commands.

Southcom despite the fact that most of Latin America is no longer under total US control Southcom remains. US military influence is largely based in failed narcostates like Columbia, Guatemala and Honduras this should come as no surprise to those familiar with America's longterm alliances with drug traffickers all over the world from the KMT in the 40's to Al Qaeda today. Today America is using Columbia in an attempt to destroy Venezuela. Guatemala and Columbia also have some of the worst human rights track records in the world. Guatemala laboratory of imperialism was the victim of a CIA coup in 1954 the reason the government under Arbenz was attempting to buy unused land from United fruit (which owned a large portion of Guatemalan land) and give it to peasants. Unfortunately for him the Dulles brothers a CIA Director and Secretary of state were closely connected to United Fruit. He was overthrown and replaced by a series of military dictators who waged a war of extermination on the Guatemalan people especially the Maya. This sort of thing happened a lot. America provided training and indoctrination to all of Latin America's military forces then it let them loose to overthrow their own governments, torture, kill and terrorize their populace. In Chile for example it could be fatal for a man to have long hair (it was the 70's) or for women to wear pants.

Africom was founded in 2007 to train the military forces of African nations and turn the entire military of the continent on it's own people. Of course this process went by other names prior to 2007. For example the US provided training to the RPF before their invasion of Rwanda, and also before their invasion of Congo. Death toll so far 10 million. One way to spot a future hotspot is any country like Libya or Eritrea that is not part of Africom.

It says alot about America's relationship with it's allies that the head of Eucom is almost always promoted from Southcom. Who knows those Europeans might get funny ideas like flirting with communism better safe then sorry. In Greece for example the US backed a murderous Junta known as the cololonels. Thus a tour of duty supervising torture and murder in South America is rewarded with the Command of Eu forces. Also notice the 3 separate commands covering Eurasia the major goal of US policy is to prevent Eurasian integration. Also note how Russia is covered even though they are not our allies. I guess even Imperialists have gotta dream sometimes.

Centcom is the one that get's all the press, well not the command itself but all it's wars. It is responsible for intervening in the US created arc of crisis. This arc stretches across southwest Asia (the middle east) and through central Asia. In other words from Egypt in north Africa (for some reason imperialists hate the idea that Egypt is in Africa.) all the way to Pakistan in the east. Centcom is responsible for waging war on Iraq, Afghanistan, Yemen. In the great game this is the big Prize. According to strategic thinkers whoever controls central Asia can control Eurasia. Whoever can control Eurasia controls the world island (Europe, Asia, Africa.) Whoever controls the world island controls the world.

Complete story at - Anti- Imperialist U: America's global military empireCC Photo Google Image Search Source is svg2raster aws af cm  Subject is US military bases in the world

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If you're seeking more information about how the world really works, and not how the media would want you to believe it works, these books are a good start. These are all highly recommended.

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1. The Shock Doctrine - Naomi Klein
2. Confessions of an Economic Hit Man - John Perkins
3. Manufacturing Consent - Edward Herman, Noam Chomsky
4. Gladio - NATO's Dagger at the Heart of Europe - Richard Cottrell
5. Profit Over People - Noam Chomsky
6. Soviet Fates and Lost Alternatives - Stephen Cohen
7. The Divide - American Injustice in the Age of the Wealth Gap - Matt Taibbi

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