Hi from NoBC4U,
I very much appreciate all of your visits to my blog. I started no Bread and Circuses for You only about four months ago, and it's already getting, on numerous days, over 800 visits. This is phenomenal! Thank you!
Although it may seem like it most days, I never intended this blog to be mostly about Ukraine and Russia. My goal was to cover all sorts of underreported news. And I certainly hope to be doing more of that in the future. Though I certainly believe that what is currently playing out between Russia, Ukraine, the EU, and the USA is the story with potentially the most wide-ranging impact.
But I do find that I need to be doing a few things a little bit differently than I have been doing the last couple of months. It seems that on a lot of days, four or six or eight hours go by trying to keep ahead of and understanding the events of the day, whether in East Europe, in the Middle East, and the USA, or elsewhere. And that takes away from other things that I really must be paying attention to. So some changes will occur, not because I want them to, but because they have to. Some of these are:

I very much appreciate all of your visits to my blog. I started no Bread and Circuses for You only about four months ago, and it's already getting, on numerous days, over 800 visits. This is phenomenal! Thank you!
Although it may seem like it most days, I never intended this blog to be mostly about Ukraine and Russia. My goal was to cover all sorts of underreported news. And I certainly hope to be doing more of that in the future. Though I certainly believe that what is currently playing out between Russia, Ukraine, the EU, and the USA is the story with potentially the most wide-ranging impact.
But I do find that I need to be doing a few things a little bit differently than I have been doing the last couple of months. It seems that on a lot of days, four or six or eight hours go by trying to keep ahead of and understanding the events of the day, whether in East Europe, in the Middle East, and the USA, or elsewhere. And that takes away from other things that I really must be paying attention to. So some changes will occur, not because I want them to, but because they have to. Some of these are:
Fewer stories on a daily basis. (But not everyday). Now, this is not necessarily a bad thing. I have been finding myself posting stories that seem to be quite similar to things that I had posted before. This of course works very well for new readers to my blog. But for those who have been visiting for a few weeks, it might seem a bit repetitious. For newcomers to my blog, there is a search function to search through articles posted in the prior weeks and months.
Less pictures. Pictures often have a central role in getting the news out, especially on social media like Facebook and Twitter, but that often seems to take up more time than anything else.
And an occasional day off or two every once in a while.Of course, you're welcome at any time to submit to me links to stories that may be of interest. You can do this by either posting a comment in the comment section, or submit it directly to me via email. The address is... nobreadcircus4u (at) gmail.com
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