"Russian aggression in Ukraine is an attack on world order and order in Europe. All of us still clearly remember the Soviet invasion of Ukraine and Germany. That has to be avoided. And nobody has the right to rewrite the results of the Second World War. And that is exactly what Russia’s President Putin is trying to do."
— Ukraine’s prime minister Yatsenyuk, January 7, 2015
"The Germans invaded the Soviet Union in the summer of 1941, and looked poised to take Moscow by October that year . . . As the German armies swept further into the Russian heartland, one million Soviet troops were drafted to protect Kiev [the capital then, as now, of Ukraine] . . . Kiev fell and 600,000 Soviet soldiers were captured . . . Nazi rule over the territories they captured from Russia was draconian . . . In the Ukrainian town of Kharkov, which was administered by the German army, 100,000 people died of starvation and disease."
— War of the Century – When Hitler Fought Stalin, by Laurence Rees (BBC Publications)
Voutenay sur Cure, France. | The Ukrainian prime minister’s poisonous perversion of the facts of history is a gruesome joke but was not treated as such by the media in the west which almost without exception endorses and publicizes Ukrainian pronouncements with zeal. Statements by Russia’s leader, on the other hand, are either ignored or distorted.
In his New Year message for 2015 Russia’s President Putin referred especially to the decision of the Crimean people to quit Ukraine and accede once again to Russia. His words reflected the feelings of Russians in noting that “love for one’s motherland is one of the most powerful and uplifting feelings. It manifested itself in full in the brotherly support to the people of Crimea and Sevastopol, when they resolutely decided to return home.”
Predictably, his speech was reported unfavorably and even offensively by western media which almost without exception carried headlines about Crimea being “a Ukrainian territory that Russia forcibly annexed in the spring.” The word “annex” is used by almost all western governments and their media when describing the move by the vast majority of Crimean citizens to rejoin Russia.
The venom of the west against Russia has been growing steadily and there is now a second Cold War caused by US-led western confrontation. The North Atlantic Treaty Organization, NATO, has seized on the shambles in Ukraine to try to justify its continuing existence, following its destruction of Libya as a country and its humiliating failure in Afghanistan.
Complete story at - The Anti-Russia Campaign Heats Up | The Smirking Chimp

— Ukraine’s prime minister Yatsenyuk, January 7, 2015
"The Germans invaded the Soviet Union in the summer of 1941, and looked poised to take Moscow by October that year . . . As the German armies swept further into the Russian heartland, one million Soviet troops were drafted to protect Kiev [the capital then, as now, of Ukraine] . . . Kiev fell and 600,000 Soviet soldiers were captured . . . Nazi rule over the territories they captured from Russia was draconian . . . In the Ukrainian town of Kharkov, which was administered by the German army, 100,000 people died of starvation and disease."
— War of the Century – When Hitler Fought Stalin, by Laurence Rees (BBC Publications)
Voutenay sur Cure, France. | The Ukrainian prime minister’s poisonous perversion of the facts of history is a gruesome joke but was not treated as such by the media in the west which almost without exception endorses and publicizes Ukrainian pronouncements with zeal. Statements by Russia’s leader, on the other hand, are either ignored or distorted.
In his New Year message for 2015 Russia’s President Putin referred especially to the decision of the Crimean people to quit Ukraine and accede once again to Russia. His words reflected the feelings of Russians in noting that “love for one’s motherland is one of the most powerful and uplifting feelings. It manifested itself in full in the brotherly support to the people of Crimea and Sevastopol, when they resolutely decided to return home.”
Predictably, his speech was reported unfavorably and even offensively by western media which almost without exception carried headlines about Crimea being “a Ukrainian territory that Russia forcibly annexed in the spring.” The word “annex” is used by almost all western governments and their media when describing the move by the vast majority of Crimean citizens to rejoin Russia.
The venom of the west against Russia has been growing steadily and there is now a second Cold War caused by US-led western confrontation. The North Atlantic Treaty Organization, NATO, has seized on the shambles in Ukraine to try to justify its continuing existence, following its destruction of Libya as a country and its humiliating failure in Afghanistan.
Complete story at - The Anti-Russia Campaign Heats Up | The Smirking Chimp
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