"Liberals claim to want to give a hearing to other views, but then are shocked and offended to discover that there are other views."
Progressives, especially those of us who live on one of the two coasts, think we are fighting the same old battles against an annoying, but diminishing, reactionary Right.
That's been largely so, until now. Now it's different. And it's different in a very big way.
During my lifetime progressives fought solid progressive fights. We fought for racial equality, women's rights, ecological protections, social equality, educational advancements, fair politics. And, when we suffered setbacks, and there were many, we were comforted by the knowledge that the line of last defense — the Supreme Court — would set matters right, once and for all.
It was a good run too. For nearly half a century we knocked-em dead, moving the US, and much of the rest of the world, deeper and deeper into Progressive territory, ready to enter the 21st century with heads held high, ready to march on.
Now suddenly, so sudden that most Progressives haven't even noticed, we are, at best, marching in place, and at worst being driven back.
And not just here in the US, but around the world. Conservatism is back, and in a big way. And no, I'm not just talking about the Tea Party, which is simply one factor among many.
Complete story at - The Real New World Order Emerges | The Smirking Chimp

Progressives, especially those of us who live on one of the two coasts, think we are fighting the same old battles against an annoying, but diminishing, reactionary Right.
That's been largely so, until now. Now it's different. And it's different in a very big way.
During my lifetime progressives fought solid progressive fights. We fought for racial equality, women's rights, ecological protections, social equality, educational advancements, fair politics. And, when we suffered setbacks, and there were many, we were comforted by the knowledge that the line of last defense — the Supreme Court — would set matters right, once and for all.
It was a good run too. For nearly half a century we knocked-em dead, moving the US, and much of the rest of the world, deeper and deeper into Progressive territory, ready to enter the 21st century with heads held high, ready to march on.
Now suddenly, so sudden that most Progressives haven't even noticed, we are, at best, marching in place, and at worst being driven back.
And not just here in the US, but around the world. Conservatism is back, and in a big way. And no, I'm not just talking about the Tea Party, which is simply one factor among many.
Complete story at - The Real New World Order Emerges | The Smirking Chimp
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