Support by the United States government for Ukraine reached stunning levels of immorality with the clear endorsement of the Kiev government's attacks on civilians in eastern part of that nation. Numerous reports (see below) in the world press indicate that the Kiev government is indiscriminately attacking the city of Slavyansk. That leaves no doubt that the Ukraine army and National Guard are attacking civilians. (Image: Save Donbass Children)
In addition to the widespread news of attacks on Slavyansk, there are also on the scene reports of Ukraine bombardments of the following eastern Ukraine cities: Seemyovka, Slavyansk, Kromatorsk and Donetsk City.
This represents a high-risk path for the Obama administration and the new cold warriors in Congress. It's one thing to kill civilians in the context of seeking to overcome the latest evildoers. It's quite another to support a government led by an oligarch that orders attacks on entire cities with irregular troops drawn self identified Nazi sympathizers and the nation's regular forces.
Why would the administration take such a risk?
What stakes are so high as to justify the steadfast support of a regime that attacks its own citizens after branding everyone who opposes the central government as a terrorist?
Before attempting to answer those questions, lets take a look at the doublespeak employed by the official spokesperson for the U.S. Department of State, Jen Psaki, at the Daily Press Briefing in Washington, DC, May 30, 2014. Ms. Psaki represents the very latest official word of the U.S. government on the situation.
The official U.S. position begins with the official spokesperson defining terms in a way that seeks to provide insulation against support for the attacks on civilians.
Defining terms
MS. PSAKI: And in our view, since the beginning of the unrest, while we’ve seen numerous human rights abuses by the separatists, including murder, kidnapping, and looting, the Ukrainian Government has, continues to have, the responsibility to enforce law and order on its territory. And while unfortunate incidents will always happen in a combat zone, we commend and continue to commend the Ukrainian Government’s restraint and efforts to limit damage and injury to the civilian population.
The separatists commit human rights abuses while the indiscriminate bombardment of cities is subsumed under the category unfortunate incidents. Note that Psaki talks about what "we've seen" referring to the human rights abuses. How does the U.S. see incidents? The U.S. and its eager NATO partners have aerial intelligence capable of spotting artillery bombardments, no doubt. The U.S. refers to this intelligence when charging Russia with troop concentrations on its border with Ukraine. Therefore, Ms. Psaki knew or should have known that Ukraine forces are attacking cities.
Complete story at - Why does the US govt support attacks on civilians in Ukraine?

In addition to the widespread news of attacks on Slavyansk, there are also on the scene reports of Ukraine bombardments of the following eastern Ukraine cities: Seemyovka, Slavyansk, Kromatorsk and Donetsk City.
This represents a high-risk path for the Obama administration and the new cold warriors in Congress. It's one thing to kill civilians in the context of seeking to overcome the latest evildoers. It's quite another to support a government led by an oligarch that orders attacks on entire cities with irregular troops drawn self identified Nazi sympathizers and the nation's regular forces.
Why would the administration take such a risk?
What stakes are so high as to justify the steadfast support of a regime that attacks its own citizens after branding everyone who opposes the central government as a terrorist?
Before attempting to answer those questions, lets take a look at the doublespeak employed by the official spokesperson for the U.S. Department of State, Jen Psaki, at the Daily Press Briefing in Washington, DC, May 30, 2014. Ms. Psaki represents the very latest official word of the U.S. government on the situation.
The official U.S. position begins with the official spokesperson defining terms in a way that seeks to provide insulation against support for the attacks on civilians.
Defining terms
MS. PSAKI: And in our view, since the beginning of the unrest, while we’ve seen numerous human rights abuses by the separatists, including murder, kidnapping, and looting, the Ukrainian Government has, continues to have, the responsibility to enforce law and order on its territory. And while unfortunate incidents will always happen in a combat zone, we commend and continue to commend the Ukrainian Government’s restraint and efforts to limit damage and injury to the civilian population.
The separatists commit human rights abuses while the indiscriminate bombardment of cities is subsumed under the category unfortunate incidents. Note that Psaki talks about what "we've seen" referring to the human rights abuses. How does the U.S. see incidents? The U.S. and its eager NATO partners have aerial intelligence capable of spotting artillery bombardments, no doubt. The U.S. refers to this intelligence when charging Russia with troop concentrations on its border with Ukraine. Therefore, Ms. Psaki knew or should have known that Ukraine forces are attacking cities.
Complete story at - Why does the US govt support attacks on civilians in Ukraine?
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