A Central Intelligence Agency report written by top European Analyst Steven Woehrel for the U.S. Congress Foreign Affairs committee has cast doubt about the future of the Ukraine current government and exposed the US role in the removal of the elected government. The major floor in the report is its failure to understand the significance for internal Russian politics of the events in Eastern Ukrainian. The involvement in the independence movement in Donetsk by the Communist Party’s of Ukraine and Russia as well as the formerly outlawed Rodina Party which has significant ties with former Soviet military and KGB.
The report by Woehrel, Ukraine: Current Issues and U.S. Policy published in the 20th May 2014, paints a depressing picture for the future of Ukraine under the current regime which are described in the report as a mix of corrupt oligarchs from the Southern and Eastern regions and extremist and violent Nationalists from the Central and Western areas. Woehrel stated that the Maiden demonstrations liken like continuing because of the ‘rampant corruption and other shortcomings in the rule of law’ of the current regime made up of three extremist Nationalist Party’s the Freedom Party, the Fatherland Party and the Right Sector.
The report also claimed ‘that Russian intelligence officers in the Ukraine are coordinating the unrest’ with the goal of stirring up trouble to discredit and then other through the current government in Kyiv. Part of plot uncovered by the CIA and contained in this report is the claim that there is a majority of current military officers within the Ukraine Army working with the Russians to destabilise the government ahead of a military coup. These reports from undisclosed sources explain the current junta favouring the Right Sector National Guards over the military in the eastern region.
Woehrel also noted in his report the financial outlook for the Ukraine with what it calls ‘long-standing problems in attracting foreign investment’ due to official corruption and systematic long-term issue with the rule of law. The report also noted that there are issues also associated with dwindling foreign exchange reserves with a distinct prospect of a default on sovereign debt. These issues which have became apparent during the term of the new President Petro Poroshenko.
The cure to this economic illness according to the report noted is the implementaton of a plan drawn up by the United States, the European Union and the International Monetary Fund during the time when Tymoshenko was Prime Minister to take control of the Ukrainian economy. The major part of these reforms included the export of Ukraine gas and coal resources into Europe and the building by German banks of a gas pipeline from the west into the Ukraine to replace nuclear energy production. The reported noted that with Ukrainian politics being a struggle between oligarchs fighting for control of the economy that former President Yanukovych and his now defunct political party the Party of Regions were the political tool of steel and coal mining magnates of the Donbas.
Complete story at - Leaked CIA Report Warns of Military Coup in Ukraine | The Other

The report by Woehrel, Ukraine: Current Issues and U.S. Policy published in the 20th May 2014, paints a depressing picture for the future of Ukraine under the current regime which are described in the report as a mix of corrupt oligarchs from the Southern and Eastern regions and extremist and violent Nationalists from the Central and Western areas. Woehrel stated that the Maiden demonstrations liken like continuing because of the ‘rampant corruption and other shortcomings in the rule of law’ of the current regime made up of three extremist Nationalist Party’s the Freedom Party, the Fatherland Party and the Right Sector.
The report also claimed ‘that Russian intelligence officers in the Ukraine are coordinating the unrest’ with the goal of stirring up trouble to discredit and then other through the current government in Kyiv. Part of plot uncovered by the CIA and contained in this report is the claim that there is a majority of current military officers within the Ukraine Army working with the Russians to destabilise the government ahead of a military coup. These reports from undisclosed sources explain the current junta favouring the Right Sector National Guards over the military in the eastern region.
Woehrel also noted in his report the financial outlook for the Ukraine with what it calls ‘long-standing problems in attracting foreign investment’ due to official corruption and systematic long-term issue with the rule of law. The report also noted that there are issues also associated with dwindling foreign exchange reserves with a distinct prospect of a default on sovereign debt. These issues which have became apparent during the term of the new President Petro Poroshenko.
The cure to this economic illness according to the report noted is the implementaton of a plan drawn up by the United States, the European Union and the International Monetary Fund during the time when Tymoshenko was Prime Minister to take control of the Ukrainian economy. The major part of these reforms included the export of Ukraine gas and coal resources into Europe and the building by German banks of a gas pipeline from the west into the Ukraine to replace nuclear energy production. The reported noted that with Ukrainian politics being a struggle between oligarchs fighting for control of the economy that former President Yanukovych and his now defunct political party the Party of Regions were the political tool of steel and coal mining magnates of the Donbas.
Complete story at - Leaked CIA Report Warns of Military Coup in Ukraine | The Other
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