On May 18, he returned to his alma mater. He's class of 1966. He was a mediocre student. He barely managed to graduate.
He got four freshman year Ds. His cumulative four-year 76 numerical rating barely avoided failure. Gentlemen C's got him through. He was Yale's featured Class Day speaker. He addressed graduating students. His mother stressed integrity. "Integrity, John," she said. His father said "diplomacy was really being able to see the world through the eyes of someone else, to understand their aspirations and assumptions."
Two important lessons Kerry never learned. He's vying for Washington's worst ever Secretary of State dishonor. He fronts for imperial lawlessness. He's an unindicted war criminal. He represents America's dark side. He mocks legitimacy. He shames the office he holds. He's mindless of rule of law principles. He's a serial liar. He's a moral coward. He's deplores peace. He's brazenly hawkish. He's indifferent to human suffering.
He relishes spoils of war. He's what Paul Craig Roberts calls a "two-bit punk." More on what he said below.
Complete story at - Kerry at Yale

He got four freshman year Ds. His cumulative four-year 76 numerical rating barely avoided failure. Gentlemen C's got him through. He was Yale's featured Class Day speaker. He addressed graduating students. His mother stressed integrity. "Integrity, John," she said. His father said "diplomacy was really being able to see the world through the eyes of someone else, to understand their aspirations and assumptions."
Two important lessons Kerry never learned. He's vying for Washington's worst ever Secretary of State dishonor. He fronts for imperial lawlessness. He's an unindicted war criminal. He represents America's dark side. He mocks legitimacy. He shames the office he holds. He's mindless of rule of law principles. He's a serial liar. He's a moral coward. He's deplores peace. He's brazenly hawkish. He's indifferent to human suffering.
He relishes spoils of war. He's what Paul Craig Roberts calls a "two-bit punk." More on what he said below.
Complete story at - Kerry at Yale
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