Juan just emailed me to let me know that the Russian Embassy in Kiev is under attack by neo-Nazi rioters. (This occurred June 14th) The attack is streamed live here:
Also, there is a 90% probability the gas attack in Novorossiya will be tonight during the seizing and burning of the Russian Embassy in Kiev as "The World's" attention is focused on Kiev.
I would add that my "beloved" BBC only reports Poroshenko's threats following the downing of the Ukie Il-76 by the NDF.
While I do not have the energy to follow the events in both locations, what is taking place in Iraq is nothing short of amazing. Think of it - when Uncle Sam attacked Iraq, al-Qaeda basically did not exist there (except in Saddam's jails). Now, after a decade of "US-style nation building" the local franchise of al-Qaeda is in full control of Mosul, Falludjah, Tikrit, Ramadi and many other. And now, years after Dubya's "mission accomplished" we have Barak "no we can't" Obama having to decide whether to bring back the "official" US military in (the "private" or "unofficial" never left) or whether to provide air cover for the Iranian Pasdaran. Or maybe attack them too? Who knows what kind of idiotic plan Obombya and his advisers can come up with? What is certain is that this is a total disgrace for a country which fancies itself as a superpower. Think of it:
Lebanon: US wanted a new Middle-East. Fail.
Iraq: US wanted to built a client-state. Fail.
Afghanistan: US wanted to eliminate the Taliban. Fail.
Pakistan: US wanted to eliminate the Taliban. Fail.
Syria: US wanted to regime-change Assad. Fail.
Egypt: US wanted to create a client state. Fail.
Libya: US wanted to create a client state. Fail.
Chechnia: US wanted to subvert Russia and control the Caucasus. Fail.
Georgia: US wanted to subvert Russia and control the Caucasus. Fail.
KSA: US wanted an alliance with KSA over Syria. Fail
Qatar: US wanted Qatari support over oil prices and Russia. Fail.
Yemen: US wanted to destroy al-Qaeda. Fail.
Somalia: 20 years ago the US wanted to take Somalia under control. Fail.
And the list goes on and on and one all around the planet. Remember when Obama said that Russia was a "regional power"? I wonder whether he said that with envy as the US is not even capable of dealing with Mexico, nevermind the middle east.
Complete story at - The Vineyard of the Saker: Russian Embassy in Kiev under attack - possible chemical attack in the East tonight - situation in Iraq

Also, there is a 90% probability the gas attack in Novorossiya will be tonight during the seizing and burning of the Russian Embassy in Kiev as "The World's" attention is focused on Kiev.
I would add that my "beloved" BBC only reports Poroshenko's threats following the downing of the Ukie Il-76 by the NDF.
While I do not have the energy to follow the events in both locations, what is taking place in Iraq is nothing short of amazing. Think of it - when Uncle Sam attacked Iraq, al-Qaeda basically did not exist there (except in Saddam's jails). Now, after a decade of "US-style nation building" the local franchise of al-Qaeda is in full control of Mosul, Falludjah, Tikrit, Ramadi and many other. And now, years after Dubya's "mission accomplished" we have Barak "no we can't" Obama having to decide whether to bring back the "official" US military in (the "private" or "unofficial" never left) or whether to provide air cover for the Iranian Pasdaran. Or maybe attack them too? Who knows what kind of idiotic plan Obombya and his advisers can come up with? What is certain is that this is a total disgrace for a country which fancies itself as a superpower. Think of it:
Lebanon: US wanted a new Middle-East. Fail.
Iraq: US wanted to built a client-state. Fail.
Afghanistan: US wanted to eliminate the Taliban. Fail.
Pakistan: US wanted to eliminate the Taliban. Fail.
Syria: US wanted to regime-change Assad. Fail.
Egypt: US wanted to create a client state. Fail.
Libya: US wanted to create a client state. Fail.
Chechnia: US wanted to subvert Russia and control the Caucasus. Fail.
Georgia: US wanted to subvert Russia and control the Caucasus. Fail.
KSA: US wanted an alliance with KSA over Syria. Fail
Qatar: US wanted Qatari support over oil prices and Russia. Fail.
Yemen: US wanted to destroy al-Qaeda. Fail.
Somalia: 20 years ago the US wanted to take Somalia under control. Fail.
And the list goes on and on and one all around the planet. Remember when Obama said that Russia was a "regional power"? I wonder whether he said that with envy as the US is not even capable of dealing with Mexico, nevermind the middle east.
Complete story at - The Vineyard of the Saker: Russian Embassy in Kiev under attack - possible chemical attack in the East tonight - situation in Iraq
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